Integration Circle

Grounding our transformational journey
in a held place

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"The extraordinary experience is the gateway to a
transformational process, which unfolds it's greatest potential
when we return back home."

Jessica Brockmann

About the Circle

We believe in humanity and we feel to open this opportunity to come together, to share the joy and the challenges of walking an awake path on this earth.

When we gather in a circle, we recognize each other in our equal power to create beauty and to walk with a sense of belonging - not alone and separated.

We share a deep love for the mystery and are grateful from the bottom of our hearts to the master plants and other practices that allow us to meet the mystery, hidden perspectives and the remembrance of what it means to be human including the sometimes painful truth.

The idea to open this circle arises from the choice of giving time and space to the teachings and pointings and to have a space to expand, interpret and integrate these journeys into our lives. This is a monthly online meeting space where we can meet in the days, weeks or months after experiences of expanded states of consciousness. To not lose track, to remind each other when challenges come up, to share our research.

Sharing in itself is a form of integration

Even though we may or may not have friends and family who can relate to our experience, we have learned how rich it is to enter an intentional circle where everyone participating contributes to the circle by offering their perspective, by bringing their experience, questions, and musings to the circle.

This is not a lecture or a place for therapy. This is a place for growth, change, learning, participation, and research on how to walk together in this reality - and to have the opportunity to review, reflect and interpret the jewels that we have received (and of course, jewels can also show up in the form of challenge). We believe it is our responsibility, and part of the agreement in working with medicine, to integrate and make good use of this experience. Sharing in community is one way of integration.

We want to offer a space where we can meet after we return home from such an experience, once aspects show up in surprising ways in our lives, once the memory fades, or simply when we feel the need to be with humans who have been where we have been, a place where we feel understood.

Let’s stay connected!

Discover the Potential
of Transformative Journeys in Community

2 hours for You

For whom is this circle?

Anyone who is in a landing and integration process after an expanded state of consciousness with plant medicine and seeks to share, listen to others, and wants to participate in the ongoing research of how we can walk in beauty and integrity.

What happens during the circle?

We will open with a short guided meditation or another short practice to tune into body, mind, heart, and the space of the circle.

We agree to the ethics of the circle (no sharing outside of circle, no recording etc.) and then we open the space for everyone for (timed) sharings of insights, learnings, challenges, or inquiries in relation to the journey made.

We will have moments of silence or music in between sharings and in the end, we’ll open for questions and inquiries that may or may not be answered by the wisdom of the group, or by the facilitators.

We will close the circle after approximately 2 hours. After some circles, if relevant, there may be a follow-up E-Mail of notes (something to remember or to take into our personal research).

How do I sign up?

Easy and simple - sign up here and you will receive a Zoom link to call in at 18:00h CEST on the selected date. The Integration Circle is donation-supported and therefore free for everyone. If you wish to support our work with donations contact us.

"I cannot navigate the challenges of life alone.
You cannot navigate the challenges of life alone.
But we can walk together."

Jana Toepfer

Who is navigating the circle?

Even though this is not a place for therapy, there will be experienced humans sitting in and navigating the circle to hold an anchored space for everyone.

About Jana

Jana Toepfer is a holistic bodywork therapist, certified in Transformative Bodywork, and facilitator of somatic movement practice, and a trauma-informed body-mind yoga and meditation teacher. She has been guiding groups and individuals through transformative journeys and life-empowering retreats for 15 years. She weaves her profound somatic wisdom with facilitators of plant medicine journeys by guiding somatic journeys and 1:1 session to prepare for and to integrate states of expanded consciousness. She also supports the work, geometry and individuals during ceremonies.

Born in Northern Germany, studied in Berlin and the USA, Jana has been living in Portugal for 12 years, where she guides 1:1 work and retreats. She also guides online courses of somatic studies and trauma healing.

About Jessica

Jessica is a transpersonal psychology coach, group facilitator, author, and a multidisciplinary explorer of transpersonal psychology, consciousness, entrepreneurship, human relations, and arts striving to discover the authentic best within individuals, groups, and organizations. She weaves her own life experiences of severe chronic fatigue, depression, and loss of meaning into her holistic coaching approach, now accompanying others on their own path of transformation. Continuously setting sail to venture into new, untapped territory, she studies the grace and challenge of embracing the unknown, exploring expanded states of consciousness, somatic movement, dance and the work of master plants, curanderos and curanderas. She wholeheartedly follows her inner call to explore what it means to be human and the magic that we carry for each other.

Formerly involved in the fast-paced startup, consulting, and entrepreneurial world, she is now based in Northern Germany, where she’s currently offering 1:1 Coaching in-person and online.

Upcoming Circles



18:00h CEST



18:00h CEST



18:00h CEST